Happy Friday Everyone! I hope it's a good one for you!
Today we are beginning something new, Friday Spotlights. All of us here at 911 Blasters agreed that we really need to start highlighting some of the good people and businesses we work with or have met over the years. So, here we go!
Back in the day, the best form of advertisement was plain ol' word of mouth.
If you wanted to know who to take your car to for repairs or where to find the best hamburger in town, you asked around and talked to people you trusted to give you recommendations.
Okay, okay, maybe not THAT far back!
I feel like this is still one of the best ways, even in this tech-filled world. When a good friend says something like 'Hey, look at this new gadget I bought! I got it from Bob's Hardware. That Bob really knows his stuff!' you already have a good opinion of Bob and you haven't even met the guy.
Since this is our first spotlight, we want to just bring your attention to a new page on our website where we will be sharing these links. You can check it out right now by clicking the link, but let me give you a little rundown.
Click the image to check it out!
Moving forward, we would like to take time to spotlight businesses and individuals separately and tell you why we decided to give them the mention. For now, we want to let everyone know that those listed on our Affiliate Businesses page are people who we have personally encountered in one way or another. They have not paid us (or bribed us with shiny things) to be listed on our page. We did ask permission to list them just to make sure, but the connections are genuine and what we have to say about them is one hundred percent how we feel.
We hope that you take a moment to check out the page and come back periodically as we add more. If you have already met any of them or go meet them and have a good experience like we have, do them a huge favor and tell someone about them, tell everyone about them and how great your experience was. You never know how much of an impact it could, especially for the 'little guys' or those who are just beginning.
With all of that said, we hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend, stays safe and even if it's cold where you are, get out and work on those projects you keep meaning to get around to!! We'll be working on a pretty interesting one here and hopefully we can show you soon...
Thank you everyone for stopping by