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What is Liquid Bead Blasting?

Liquid bead blasting is actually another term for vapor honing. Other terms include vapor blasting, water blasting, and dustless blasting.


The advantage to these systems is there is no dust produced by blasting like there is by a traditional dry blasting cabinet. No need to worry with window covers or replacements. Liquid blasting does not damage your glass!

dry vapor original difference
sand blast vapor honing difference
vapor honing cabinet

Why 911 Blasters?

We have taken the vapor blasting and dustless systems, contained them to a cabinet that allows you to reuse your media and made our machines as easy to use as possible.


There are no external tanks or regulators and no need for a continual water supply. Simply add water, our media, and connect to power and air.


We also have perfected the nozzle so there are not different tips for different applications. In fact, you never need to change the tip at all! Our nozzle is produced by us and comes with a lifetime warranty. 


Our media is a special blend, created by us, and its the only one! You do not have to change your media based on the type of part you want to clean. You only change it when it is time to change it.


Check out our photos and videos to see some examples of what vapor honing and liquid blasting are all about or visit our store page if you are interested in purchasing a cabinet.

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